The Madame Nyaw dragon invasion, cool! L-O-V-E it. Great experiance!

The Nyaw Invasion

I have always love to be out and about in local bazaars and flea markets, that is why the first invasion of the Nyaw clothing brand begins at The Cibadak Fair 2013 on 1-2 March.
The Tents were made in fully red, it felt beautifully like a real Chinese Festival!


On the first day we had many technical difficulties, but I guess practice makes better and the second day was a blast!


We had a great day, the festival was superbly on fire. I could not forget how the dragons danced up close to our tent and how people although were exhausted kept on doing a long march around Cibadak Street.


So if you hear about the Cibadak Festival, be sure to come and hopefully we can meet on another prosperous year! 😀

-Madame Nyaw, loving dancing dragons-

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